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Jessica Evrist



The 5 covenants of the bible. Notes from God .T.v.

17/08/2009 22:24

 How many covenants affect us? Well if you are not Jewish then 4.  But if you are Jewish then all 5 covenants of the bible affect you.this is an unconditional covenant.

With every covenant there is a promise. Held by God.

Noah's covenant was the rainbow when God said He'd never flood the entire earth again...God regretted making man and so He flooded the earth and killed all but 8 people who were not walking in perversion. Noah and his family were saved along with  two of every kind of animal. What were the people doing that man made God so disgusted? Angels and human women were having sex and producing grotesque creatures called Nephilim. Men were having sex with men and women with women, men and animals were having sex. Perverted  and kinky sex as well as violence and every imagination of evil was on their minds continually. So God killed them all with a flood. The rainbow is God's promise that He will not destroy man in that way again.

Keeping life sacred. Murder must be paid with capitol punishment... Sacredness of life is not reduced to stealing. That is sacriliage.. After losing the sacredness of life with capitol punishment, then we find abortion and then next genocieWe need to make sure that the animal is dead before we eat of it, God sustains the earth an

His promise is to send the sun and the rain on the just  and the unjust and when He sees His rainbow it reminds Him of His covenant.

The new and the old testament are

Marriage is a covenant.


The last will and testament is a covenant.

God made a covenanct with People. He entered into a covenant marriage with Abraham, Issaac and Jacob. God took His wifes name. God is a covenenant keeping God. Israel is a promise that God keeps.


God cannot tell a lie, cannot break a promise,cannot do anything wrong, anything unjust. God does everything right. All right as He is a covenant keeping God. He is realiable, He is faithful, and you know He will keep His word.


more next time..... 

In acknowledgement of the lover of my soul. Jesus.

07/08/2009 23:34

I thank you Lord for sending Jesus my brother by family  ("Our Father "who art in Heaven,") and my savior by circumstance!

Thank you Jesus for paving the way you want me to live by being such a good example for me !! I give you all the honor and glory!! Thank you for being the second Adam and making all things right and restoring the woman (church) back to you in the garden where you travailed for me and  on the cross.

I understand that we are to walk side by side as your rib cage/side was pierced with a double edged sword.... I was birthed out of you when blood and water spilled forth from my conception (the Church, the body of Christ) before you died for me on the cross..Thank you for your sacrifice for me...

I am your bride and I want to be wrinkle free and without spot when you come back for me. I'm filling up with the oil of the Holy Spirit who you sent for me to help me and give me power to light my lampstand with fire.

signed, The body of Christ ,His church.

The pattern to follow for victorious living.

07/08/2009 09:05
after the Lord's  Prayer.
"Our Father who Art in heaven"..

 (1)  First you must believe that God exists... "In the beginning God.  And all thngs were created by Him which were made."
(2) then you must join the family.  As God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. The truth is that we have been provided a way to know God and to accept our savior who has paid all of our debts and healed our diseases. the Benefits are numerous to joining the family of God.. One such benefits are....There are no diseases in the kingdom of God. If you want to be in the kingdom of God then you must enter through the front door . the sign says enter here..
Establish God  as your Father.. Become children of God. "He who has the Son has life, be he who does not have the Son of God does not have life." Jesus said," I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the father except by means through me." "I am the door."
"He who comes to God must first believe that He is.. and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
Hallowed be thy name..

who He is in our LIfe. who do men say that I am...?
Can you say this like one of the disciples said?

"Thou are the Christ the son of the Living God!"" IF you confess Jesus as Lord and receive what he has done for you on the cross then you shall be saved. " "For the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those who perish. "  "Believe on the lord Jesus and you will be saved."

identify HIs attributes and who He is...

  (3) next step...T"hy Kingdom Come thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."

Jesus said, " And I will send you the Holy Spirit to be your helper,  receive HIm."   He will help you to pray in line with the father...

HIde God's word in your heart and mind, The Holy spirit will bring all things to your rememberance. Pray that you will allow for god to use ou mightily in His strength and power for His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

God will cleanse you and "He will begin a good work in you".. "He will raise you up on wings of eagles to soar to new heights" for He says that "His ways are higher than our ways." He has a kingdom  (of heaven) and if we are to operate on this earth like Jesus did , then we need to hear from the king and have His  kingdom mentality.. instead of our limited earthly mentality bound to the laws of nature as we are in an earthly body and we reside on this earth and "the god of this world has blinded the minds" We do not belong to the god of this "world". satan. but We can be adopted by the God of Heaven and earth.

worship speaks about intimacy with God.... just like Hi bye friends that are superficial we can also be like that with God. He wants us to praise HIm  in the outer courts...but also to bring us into deeper intimacy to the inner courts of our being....speaking to Him by the blood of Jesus which is our covering and cleanses us from all unrighteousness able to make us clean and worthy to be in His presence. "for God cannot be in the presence of sin" We also should not allow that to be in our presence.those are great boundaries.

3rd step.....Give us this day our daily bread... declare the word don't go to far out of the word.

my food is to do the work that we are to do today.." for man shall not live by bread alone."

4th...Healing of the heart. Confess you sins to one another...and you shall be healed.
'and forgive us our debts as we forgive those who trespass against us." James 5:16 "Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, ferent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

Deliverance... comes here... and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

we are a lot better than we thought. we aren't sinners saved by grace. We one time.. but now we are Kings.

05/08/2009 22:54

When you look into the mirror of truth, God's word, it reveals who we are in Christ....our savior....

we are obviously conduits... so who do we want flowing through us?

You can't have hot without cold, ying without yang. so why do people only think there is a good side without the bad?

When we put our trust in God's plan and His Way he transforms us from darkness into light..after that it is up to us to renew our own thinking so that we can find the path designed for each of us. When your eyes are open to the truth you find that we have great riches in store with many benefits..

this is better than a work plan at any company. Try God's Company and you will become..

Heavenly Hosts..(conduit)

Our father who art in Heaven. hallowed be thy name...THY KINGDOM COME, thy will be done..... ON EARTH. as it is in heaven.

we aren't supposed to want to die and go to heaven.

we are supposed to occupy until He comes back...

 we are called to be hosts of heaven and bring heaven to earth. It has been in our power and up to us.. we've been slacking and deceived into thinking that God is going to do it for us. We are supposed to activate our "CHARGE "card. and use it.

we are Kings..and Lords.. we are to take dominion of our kingdom that we call our domain..

It is an insult to a King to have his subjects in want and in poverty.... always wanting....

we are to be walking in the original intent of Adam. dominion. it was bought back from the devil by Jesus. we have been given the kingdom. the kingdom of heaven is upon us... we have the Holy Spirit upon us... when we rest , then we become the throne for the Holy Spirit to sit or rest upon us.
it is a double resting upon... in the Greek... He rests upon us and we rest in Him.. awesome!!!! a leaning upon each other..
Jesus is King of Kings and  Lord of Lords
if you are a land lord then you own something.. you are a Lord.. we are Kings and priests as well.. we are intercessors.. so we best be recognizing that we are sitting in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. not just sinners saved by grace.. we are sons and daughters of the most High.. we need not be living in the slave or prodigal son mentality in sin consciousness but God consciousness..we need to claim our rightful inheritance in the saints..

yes. We are saints of God... clothed in our robes of righteousness..

we are above and not beneath the head and not the tail... therefore there is no condemnation to usward who believe. awesome!!

The" New Natural." God is the Super in our natural.

03/08/2009 23:45

Going green, 100% natural.. these are terms that are popular referring to going back to basics or choosing to use things to have a cleaner life. Let's take a quick glance at our basic natural beginnings.

When Adam the first man and woman made the choice of taking the knowledge of good and evil ,immediately after they took of that tree,they were conscious of good and evil. Before crossing that line... they were innocent but  Now they had judgements about things. they now started to operate in the soul realm instead of the spirit realm as when they walked with God by their spirit..  aha moment!

   Their creativity didn't flow as well as it did before. Because they had judgements about things now. "Hey, did you know you were like naked there?" "Let's grab those leaves and cover ourselves with them". (They didn't exactly invent staples or tape  on the spot   that took man centuries..because before they didn't need all these accessories.  Accessories....ugh..... I will praise God the day I can learn to communicate with my mind how to change the television set  that is an accessory too..or learn how to communicate with someone without having to charge my phone battery , another accessory , or use plugs and cords to plug into my computer, one accessory that I'm finding I do love to utilize.) Amazing how our thoughts are become written.. as a declaration before our eyes... hmmm. this is something to meditate upon.. I like that..

Back to the natural way that God intended, which is actualy Super natural because God is the Super in our natural. We are invited to enter into His rest. Things will be a lot easier when we start using our spirit to be led instead of waiting for ideas from our brain. Most judgements will keep us from just doing what we are supposed to do. If we give the Holy Spirit a place to sit upon us then His will can be acomplished through us. The Greek words have such meaning. When the Holy Spirit "comes upon us". He comes ands "rests upon us","sits upon us "and we are "to rest in HIm" Leaning upon HIm and He using us. God wants to sit on you.! Are you resting? Are you positioning your lap as His throne?


Letting Him do the work makes it easy for us. Jesus said," Take my yoke upon you, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. When we do not have to strategize and figure out everything that God is needing to do... or people are needing to do... but God already has made a way for us to rely upon Him. All we have to do is be available.. "He will perfect that which concerns us "and "He will begin the work and finish the work until we become like Him".

Ask Him to come today and  let us also rest in His rest. Let the Holy Spirit sit upon you baptizing you with fresh fire /zeal and fresh oil/peace of Heaven. You will see the supernatural on a day to day basis and it will become the "new natural."

Apo calupysis the lifting of the veil...

26/07/2009 20:41

Apo means the lifting.. and calupsis means wearing of the veil.. since the time Adam fell in the garden man kind has not been able to know


the teacher Dutch Sheets was giving defintions of Greek words... maybe you recognize them...phototeedzo means to let in light enlighten.. photography language... a shutter opens and it lets in light and you capture an image.. If the shutter doesn't open then you don't get a picture.. The truth is if the veil doesn't lift then the image cannot get in of who God is. Paul the apostle prayed that "The eyes of our understanding would be enlightened to know the hope of HIs glory the riches of the inheritance in the saints."

John 16 when Jesus is teaching about the Holy Spirit. Can you imagine what the disciples thought when Jesus said..,...." It is to your benefit that I leave you... But I will send you a helper, the Holy Spirit."


In the Greek...the words..."Ana" means upward "gelo" to tell in return. to announce after you've come back. Holy Spirit what does heaven say? If we are leaders we need to ask the Holy Spirit what does He want for us to do.


in the Hebrew.. there is a word that means wisdom and revelation...Biyn. It means wisdom, (based on the past truth) revelation ( produces present truth for current skill), and discernment. that is which is revealed to you..King Solomon asked God for a heart that can hear... in order to lead his people.." give me a hearing heart, Biyn = Discernment. This is what Daniel had when he could get supernatural revelation from heaven for the king when he would interpret dreams. Like Joseph too. trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge God and He shall direct your path.


Wisdom produces consistency, balance... although sometimes because it is on the realm of their intellect it can be dead to have head knowledge. Wisdom maintains and sustains, keeps you from falling. Apostolic, wisdom, if you over emphasize wisdom at the expense of revelation you will become and old wineskin. The wine is the life of the spirit and cannot receive the new...Jesus won't put new wine in old wineskins because it will break. An old wineskin is not a person walking around in truth it is a person who is not walking in current revelation.

Most times when wisdom overemphasized... there is an independant strain that says I don't necessarily need any revelation because," I know it all and seen it all, I don't want to rock the boat so I handle it myself". The older they get they depend on revelation. The two need to be married.. Wise old wineskins. What is God telling you right now how to change this nation? formulas... religious without power.. routine without relationship. No current revelation.

The spirit of Revelation is different as it produces prophetic and introduces newness . revelation propels. Two different realms to walk in.. Dreams, visions and revelation can be exciting but God is wanting balance and to marry both wisdm and revelation.




These are notes taken from listening to Dutch Sheets. a teacher on Matt sorger's show on God T.v. channel 365 on direct T.v.

Knowing this background helps us to forgive people who have hurt us..

25/07/2009 19:44

knowing that God loves people and relationships...and knowing that satan hates what God loves... it helps to put this verse in perspective..
"For we wrestle not with flesh and blood , but against principalities, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places.. "
so remembering that 1/3 of the demonic "angels" are here on earth and they are spirits who need a host body to do any such damage to people then we can see that even though we may think that it is "our relative" or "a person" for that matter, it really is the spirit that is ruling their mind set whispering into their ear acting like it is the hosts thought....the demon being hosted offering to enter through a host (person) to do negative harm and damage through that person so that they can impart their (the demons) emotion or the demon's disease on that person .

Jesus commanded the sickness to come out of the people. we are to take His authority and walk likewise in it.

Remember Peter when he offered up something to Jesus and Jesus retorted, "get thee behind me satan." Pow! Jesus knew that that was not Peter's suggestion.

People who are not aware of living in the Kingdom mentality( Heaven on earth) will do and say flippant things. We have all forgotten who we were when we did not have on our armor nor remember that we have an enemy or that we are in a battle...

The enemy is satan and his demons who desire to be used through another person.
Remember the demon called Legion? Jesus was getting ready to cast them into outer darkness or the dry places and they said..."Cast us into the herd of pigs!" So he did but the pigs ran over the cliff and then who knows where the spirits went after that..

So to forgive a person... and this is important because the word says that our father in heaven won't forgive us if we do not forgive the one who hurt us.. We are not wrestling with our Mother in law or our brother or our spouse it really is a spiritual battle. Most people I know want to do good and love not purposely hate.. any spirit of jealousy, revenge etc. is from the devil and his demons. people are just convinced that that is them.. when we walk in the flesh we will fulfill the lusts of the flesh. we need to renew our thinking with God's word and obey.

another thing is that we do remember sins that were done against us. we've all had people give us a hard time and we too may have done things to others.. we just did not know what we were doing..."Father forgive them for they know not what they do".. and if we can remember that it really isn't that person but a ruling spirit or stronghold on that person's mind that it is actually them instead of revealing a demon (that is unseen and no one really teaches this much) then it will help us to know that that person is actually being a puppet and is a victim of the devil.

Are you sleeping? Brother /sister " _______" Morning bells are ringing.... ding ding dong.

25/07/2009 04:38

I think perhaps that song could be prophetic. Are you finding that you are waking up from 2 - 4 in the morning? If so.. could that be God calling us? Are you praying or is that the time you go down to the fridge? If we have been given the AIR. IF God is calling us to HEAVENLY PLACES... to come up higher in our thoughts..rather than our lowly  carnal thinking don't you think He may have a plan to be strategizing against the enemy?


Are you praying in the spirit enough? Are  you praying in the spirit? Let me repeat... Are you using your spirit's language ? Because Gods' ways are higher than ours.... remember? "He uses the foolish things , the base things of this world to confound "the wise". You see we are spirit beings that have a soul and a body.. IF you are carnally minded, wasting your time with imaginations /visions that are not a part of the Master's plan.. remember ,"our life is hid with Christ and we died in baptism with Christ.  The life that we now live is traded for Christ's that we should walk in His ways instead of our own fleshly desires.


Our thoughts and ways are lower than God 's unless we use God's provision to renew our minds to be Kingdom minded then you will understand the ways of the spirit. If you are listening to the devil or perhaps you think you have your own thoughts then cast down those thoughts and agreements and make some new ones with the lover of your soul.. the Holy Spirit and no to  the devil , satan works like this... those evil spirits that are wispering in your ear these things...

"that speaking in tongues is of the devil" "Oh those people are weird,they are fulfilling their lustful desires for attention." ( I have seen some bazaar things and wondered too if it were not demon influenced.. and I do discern things. so I will leave room for those who are deceived and doing fleshly ridiculous things, that is why we are to test the spirits. I saw a Chinese woman at some recent revival meeting last week in another town, during worship in church doing her arms like a windmill at rapid speed and I felt that was fleshly but who knows? God knows.I suppose that I could've bound that spirit and prayed against it but I did not know...never saw that before. I suppose i need to wake up.)

Here is another thing the devil will speak to your mind, you see He tries to gain entry by speaking things to you making believe that he is YOUR thoughts! LIke this...."Oh your pastor would definitely say that is of the flesh speaking in tongues" or "Oh that is make believe gibberish", hmm what else is the enemy doing to give you a strong hold on your mind so he can rob you of your spiritual gifts and power?

I said STRONG HOLD. Your belief system that is preventing you from taking a step of faith. You have been brain washed by satan as the bible says..." Do not forbid to speak in tongues." Look it up yourself, it's in there.

Or do you only look at the bible when your pastor only preaches from a certain text? Or does your pastor ever crack the bible open? Do you go to a church that says nice fluffy things, catch phrases, psychology, which is man's thinking? I've studied psychology in college, I'm aware... remember that God says,"My ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts.."

Our carnal minds cannot understand the things of the spirit. so Paul the apostle said," I will pray in the spirit and I will pray in the understanding."

If God is waking you up "Brother"(as this pertains to those who are in the fold) "John" or sister Jessica then wake up and pray, wait or do what He is telling you to do. This is speaking to the body of Christ, His church, we are to have Kingdom mentality not carnal mentality. Of course in order for any of this to be applicable to you you must first be in the fold. If you do not know God nor have a personal relationship with nor do not know if you belong to God, the maker of the universe by "the way" He has provided for us then you need look into what Jesus said. " Enter by the narrow gate for that is the way to eternal life, the way of destruction is the wider gate , many choose that path, but it only leads to destruction. " " I am the way the truth and the life, no man can come to the Father but only by means through me." Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. (This speaks to the Jews as of the passover lamb.) but God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever belives in Him shall have eternal life.) John 3:16

Is there a different Baptism that the bible talks about?

18/07/2009 14:39

Acts chapter 19: versus 1-7. ..... Paul found some disciples of Jesus and asked them "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" They answerd , "No , we have not even heard that there is a Holy spirit." So Paul asked, "Then what baptism did you receive?" "John's baptism," they replied. Paul said,"John's baptism was a baptism of repentance." He told the people to believe in the One coming after Him that is in Jesus." On hearing this, they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus . When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke in tongues and prophecied. There were about twelve men in all.

(It is obvious that these men were born again but they had not received the Holy Spirit yet and that being born again and receiving the Holy Spirit are two different experiences. Additionally it is very obvious that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. God's word doesn't change ).

1 corin chapter 14 :39 says, "Therefore my brothers, be eager to prophecy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues."

Revelation 22:18 "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book , if anyone adds anything to them God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which is described in this book."

( With fear and trembling, we are to be very careful to teach the bible in context. When we are teaching God's word to others we must not change the biblical teaching to satisfy our own inadequacies or the doctrine of man. The biblical teaching on the gift of tongues is one of the teachings that people have changed in many churches. Paul says very clearly DO NOT FORBID SPEAKING IN TONGUES. Paul corrected the Corinthian Church to help them have all things done in an orderly manner. Paul did not say Do not speak in tongues but do it in an orderly manner.) Amen.

God has been "given a bad rep."

18/07/2009 07:21

I think i said the abbreviation correctly? Rep as in representation or is it rap?

God wants all people to come into the knowledge of Him and that He has provided a way for all to know Him and his higher thoughts. You see God made Adam in the beginning to be able to enjoy life and be creative like Himself. God did provide a choice for man to choose so that man could choose to love God back as He, God loves man.

Way before man was created, there was an angel named Lucifer, Son of Light, who was the most beautiful angel created in charge of worship to God. Check this out for yourself read Ezekiel Chapter 28 12B through 19. He was a cherub so beautifully equipped with musical pipes built into him , every precious stone etc...and he decided to start worshipping himself. because he was so beautiful. (maybe you know some of his children who are following in his footsteps...) He convinced 1/3 of the angels in heaven at that time.... to worshp him instead of God .(We see this with celebrities, then they cannot handle the worship and get all messed up and start going down the dark spiral.)

Lucifer became darkened in his mind and wanted to receive worship. He became violent and He was soon kicked out of heaven with the 1/3 of the angels as he had decided to revolt against God. He lost his job as the head worshipping angel and because of his countenance he also had a name change to satan. The now called demons are the 1/3 of his angel followers. They were cast down to earth. This was before man was made. You can read this for yourself in the bible which is the recorded history of man and God. it is interesting and it is imperative to understand this information so that we do not follow or become deceived to follow after satan and then blame God the Father for our own choices..


Many people do not know that we have an enemy who is against us..Why is he against us you say? Because satan was dethroned from his high place of worship and God created man to worship God in the place of Lucifer. God actually breathed His spirit into man . satan (lower case on purpose) hates man because we are made in God's image. He wants to kill us because we have God living inside of our being (God's temple)!!!!

satan also already knows he is destined for hell and wants to take as many people with him as possible. he blinds their minds with darkness and hate against God deceiving even the elect of God. satan also speaks into people's thoughts telling them to blame God for all of the terrible things that happen to man, but it is the lower case "god of this world" , satan , who is the real enemy of our souls. he would want for you too to worship self, the creation instead of the Creator like he did . he also wants to take God's creation of man down because he knows he has little time as God the Father has already reserved a place for satan,( who used to be Lucifer ) and any who follow him specifically the 1/3 of angels not so much be separated from continuing to hurt God's children.

This place is called Hell. satan is not in hell YET as maybe we've been told, but it is a future place that he will be put in, He is here on earth with his demonic forces. The bible tells us that "We wrestle with principalities, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in heavely places on earth not flesh and blood." (people so much as evil spirits working through people, remember we have a choice to listen to the voices). Heaven exists now and that is where God resides , when we die our spirits and soul go up to meet God.

God is the one who judges us and depending on our choices what we do with His son Jesus and accepting the sacrifice for our sins then we have chosen to go with those consequences whether good or bad. The bible says that "The god of this world has blinded the minds ". 2nd book of corinthians chapter 4 verse 4.

for more info, call upon the name of Jesus and you will have to ask God to open up your mind to understand His word in the bible. It is important to be patient with yourself as you will have to overcome many strong holds on your thinking as you will have to weed out all of the misinformation that you hav received through wrong teaching. Do not feel like you will need to change yourself. Come to God just as you are and let Him do the work . Ask His Holy Spirit who is our helper to lead you to the truth. O.K.? God bless you. God claims you as His own and He wants for you to come to Him and He will show you what do do next. He said that satan cannot ever come and snatch you out of His (God's) hand if you truly come to Him and He says that the other 2/3 of angels rejoice when you come into the Kingdom of God.

Here is a prayer you can pray.... "Dear Lord thank you for finding me and saving me. Thank you for revealing your truth to me and setting me on the right path.Thank you for delivering me from the evil one and that my mind will be enlightened to know You. I need a savior, I can't save myself, I've tried and well, I'm tired now.. Please help me. I receive what you have already done for me by providing a sacrifice of your Son to pay for all of my debt. Thank you for your debt relief plan that I am in so much need of. Lead me from here on out and do a work in me that I might glorify your name. I receive your Holy Spirit to help me and I receive all gifts that you have for me to help me with my new walk in you in these last days. In Jesus' name i pray. amen. "

Now open your mouth and give thanks to God with your new life and new spiritual gifts.

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Could what we deem as harmless be worshipping the "IMAGE “(of Death) “Image of the Beast"?

31/12/2010 06:53
  by Jessica Evrist on Friday, December 31, 2010. I just woke up this "early before morning" at 3:33 am with these thoughts from scripture in the book of Revelations. "And YHUH/God sent to them a strong delusion that they should worship "the image of the Beast" and this is what was...

Inherited idolatry.

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15/12/2010 06:41
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31/08/2010 01:42
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07/08/2009 07:10
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15/07/2009 23:00
Wake up Church! When we are aware and in urgent need of prayer,  even when we are speaking to Yahuah for everyday conversation that speaking in tongues is proper for accomplishing Yahuah's will on earth as it is in heaven. We were created to worship Yahuah. satan hates it and wants to stop us...

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Website launched

29/06/2009 09:41
Our new website has been launched today. Since the jot .com error of translation went to's web master we've lost our host so we are putting up pictures and hope to be able to download some sound bytes of music. Mosaicmusic is all over the world and on many internet sites. Try...

I Will Redeem The Time

29/06/1997 03:42
                                      If your hearts were not so hard,           ...