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Jessica Evrist



Life, Living Water and the Oil of the Holy Spirit for Dry , Dead Bones!

17/07/2009 06:15

Feel like you are dry and have no life? Maybe you don't even feel? Like you are dead and have no strength? You can't even hear what God is speaking to you?

God speaks in various ways, through the prophets, through His word and by HIs Spirit, for us today as well as our future and past.

Receive what God is saying to us from the prophet Ezekiel  37:1-4 . "for The hand of the Lord came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. (2) Then He caused me to pass by them all around, and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and indeed they were very dry. (3) And He said to me, "Son of man, can these bones live?" so I answered, " O Lord God, You know." Again He said to me, "Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, "O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!" (4)

(Read the rest it is about God's army waking up from the dead, the Holy Spirit , the nations of the world and Israel.)

What are you feeding your spirit, your soul and your body? What are you watching with your eyes, listening with your ears.... feeding on? spiritual things to build up your spiritual eyes and give you Joy, abundant life and renewed strength like the eagles or carnal things that kill you with more death day by day?

The second law of thermodynamics is that everything will eventually get worse and die. It is because the law is set in motion because of the sin nature in the world. God set it that way after the fall of Adam so that we would not live eternally with death. Thank God!!!!

Adversely, the more you seek God, the more Life and vitality will enter your being because God is Life and He is the light of men! Moses , Jesus, Stephen and others were recorded in the bible to have had a brightness to their faces when they sought God. Do you have a brightness in your countenance? He is the Author of all creation and He knows what we need. Sometimes we do not know what we need, but He knows! Jesus knew what He needed on earth to survive. He said, "Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." There you have it. If Jesus said it ,then it is so, because He was there" In the beginning reconciling the world to Himself before the creation was ever created."

"Behold oh Israel The Lord our God is One God , He is One." God's name is Elohim. In the Hebrew the name means something. When Jesus Cried out on the cross to His father He said (Eloi, Eloi) Lama sabacthani. Which means (My God, My God) Why have you forsaken me? The IM ending in Elohim is plural yet the three is one . Just like a cherub is one angel but cherubim are plural, Singular and Plural. God is not many but One. But His name is plural. Three persons of God in One.

After the ressurection of Jesus from the dead, He came to the disciples and said ," All authority is given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matt 28 :18-19. This shows three distinct persons of God.

Creation here on earth is a mirror of the spiritual realm. Here is just one example.... an egg . You have three parts The shell (body) which must be broken in order to have the contents revealed and shared..... the yolk or main part (soul) and the white invisible transparent part (spirit) this is an example of a three separate parts in one .

Just like Yeshua ha Meshia (Jesus the messiah) is the shell (body) which was broken for us, God the Father is the source, yolk and The Holy Spirit is the Invisible one like the white of the egg.The Egg being like an example of one God , Elohim plural. The Source of LIfe.

Jesus said, "I AM the way, the truth and the life, No man comes to the Father except by means through Me."

For I AM life to his bones and healing . This Living Water is Jesus The Word . The OIl of the Spirit is soothing to our bones.

Life, Water and Oil for Dry , dead bones.

Heavenly places . "For my thoughts are higher than your thoughts and my ways are higher than your ways."

13/07/2009 19:23

Notes on Bob Cathers teaching about relationships. Jul, 12, 09 Reseda Vineyard Spanish Congregation & Revelation knowledge available for healing.

13/07/2009 10:03

I actually didn't take any written notes.. I'm trying to remember what was spoken yesterday at the spanish church. pastor Bob had an interpreter to speak to the Spanish speaking people. Some Aha moments took place so I'm tryng to dish out what I remember..


The scripture was something that I've been hearing myself a lot lately...."For we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but prinicpalities, rulers of darkness in spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places."

Pastor Bob Cathers from the Gathering place in Simi Valley spoke to the spanish church and said that this scripture is about relationships. well, i didn't think so.... where was he coming from? What is he saying? Oh, the first part of it.. o.k. i see what he is saying... For we wrestle not with flesh and blood. people..


God is all about people. God loves people and He loves relationships. Satan hates people.... in retrospect, I've heard people even in my own family and come to think of it,, I think that is a "familiar spirit "because i do remember when i was young saying or thinking that same thing... especially after I've been hurt or betrayed.... i've often heard my own family saying at times... "I hate people" oh so that is not us thinking those things but the enemy trying to use us as hosts!!!!! You see cause those evil spirits do not have a body and they want to reside in something..

ahhh. big aha right here.. just like the example of when the legion of demons were in that man and they asked Jesus to not send them into the dry places but send them into the you know the passage, it really happened you know? hmm so the dry places.. ok. I'll have to remember to send them there if I encounter any. the dry places. go to the dry places where they will remain inoperable.


Listen up church that up there is some good inside information , God's revelation do you see it? wow!!!!! I get it.


You see the Pastor was saying that fallen angels, demonic spirits ,(and this is deep people.. check it out... ) they have their own emotions (jealousy, anger, fear, anxiety, etc. ) wow F.YI. I can see that..., have experienced that myself too...

....just like we have spirits and souls they ARE spirits (angels) and have their emotions, thoughts, and sicknesses that are attached with them. did you hear that? they have diseases!!!! those diseases are not ours!! those diseases they carry are like tics with lyme disease. or squirrels with!!!! hey those demons carry arthritis. cancer, pain.. that belongs to a bitter evil spirit or unforgiving spirit. not you people! but if you allow them and take on their thoughts as yours..this is the big aha.. why we are commanded to not let the sun go down on our anger etc...not have an unforgiving spirit.. wow..(. wonder if that was like the "vampire" legend....hmmm. sorry, i got distracted.. see how easy our thoughts can shift? )


..if we have given the enemy a foothold or given over our authority so to speak... taken the bite of the apple or bought it hook line and sinker that those thoughts are ours and that they belong to us because we deseve them.. or because it is hereditary.. well, the sins of the fathers.. that would be familiar spirits.. passed down I can se that... Do not recieve it. we are redeemed from the curses of the law. so do not let the diseases allowed to be there or then they are being allowed by you because of your ignorance.


(hmm. like the scripture about when we take communion or offer any offering, "but if we have any ought against another then we are to leave the offering and make it good with that other person otherwise some have fallen asleep " I wonder if that means not death but literally be ignorant and not hear God? hmmm. that I don't know., I just thought of that.....)....


Anything that is contrary to God's word we need to put it off... so "loose the stronghold off of your thinking " right now that" oh, that is what happens when i get old,or, it is normal", Or the thought of...." I lack something in my diet or I have a disorder "etc..., bind up that lying spirit and cast it into the dry places.


(Lay hold of this people right now... If you have any ought against anyone, or any unforgiveness. release it so that you may be healed. It says so in the word. "confess your faults one to another so that you may be healed". Are you gonna believe what God says to you? Or will you choose to feel the deception of the enemy with your feelings and listen to the lies, you do not deserve sicknesses as Jesus had 39 stripes on His back and that was 39 different strains of sicknesses that He redeemed us from.

Or "are you gonna let the enemy rob it from you? give him the victory"? God is looking for anyone to believe HIm and what He SAYS about your situation. You will have to study the scriptures and get them in your spirit if not your head...our eyes are being opened to spiritual things right now. if you allow it and not go turn on the t.v. or read a people magazine junk... remember this.. do not forget healed. you are worth it. God wants to use you to further His kingdom, The Kingdom of God is upon us.)


Just know that those spirits, they do not have a body like we do... so they try to use us making us believe that those thoughts they try to wisper in our ear are our own thoughts...... like for instance... we somehow start with a foot hold getting hurt by people so then we say out of our mouths after we actually think the thought... ie. "I hate people" well, that thought was not our own thought. it did not originate with us.. we perhaps got hurt , offended, then the temptation came to speak what that demon spoke to our thinking.. doesn't this now make sense? oh yes it does....


So pastor Bob was saying that in a relationship which all of us have to relate to someone, even if it is a casual meeting with someone at the gas staion, store etc., negative thoughts can come, temptations can come to us like after we are disappointed or get mad at lets say a spouse... that would come with some emotion of lets say anger.. well that demon that has the anger or fear, attached to it,( because "we do not have the spirit of fear "it says so in the bible) will try to get a host to hurt that other person... (I've often sensed that in myself at times.. like such a relishing  or rush in being crafty to hurt a person with words, (apparently not mine) it was sick... have you ever felt the Holy Spirit grieved with what you have said or done?


After sinning like that against another person or myself, I felt used ( ah, lended myself to the dark side) to hurt a person with my sharp tongue and actually delighted in it.. sick!!!! Like you know you just shot arrows right to the heart....well I never even considered that it was a demonic spirit using me as a host. (Gee, maybe that movie "Ghost" with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore had some insight there..).. I had thought that they couldn't use us as believers... now i can see that it says specifically to believers that "We do not wrestle with flesh and blood." but against who? "Principalities, rulers of darkness in spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies" . wow!!!!!


So then we need to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God and not to be used by the devil to hurt others or ourselves with the words that come to us making it seem like they are our own thoughts then we birth them forth in the air with power then sometimes even act upon them. Then there is also that great scripture given to me on my honeymoon.

" Let no unwholesome word ever come out of your mouth but only such as word that is good for edification according to the need of the moment that it may give grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit for whom you are sealed for the day of redemption." Eph 4 :29 & 30.

eeesh!!! I know I've done that.. Please forgive me.."Lord, open up the eyes of my understanding so I can know when the enemy comes like a thief in "the darkness "or in my own ignorance."


I think we as the church have been deceived to thinking that we aren't dealing with an invisible enemy force. We haven't had any or much teaching about that... sometimes I've even heard the lies from the enemy said through believers or from pulpits of ignorant teachers of the truths of God. They bringing condemnation about us even thinking that we have demon forces... ie. mocking other believers saying things like oh...." demon around every bush mentality " . This spirit here is identified !!!! which is a total "mockery" spirit. In addition to mocking the gifts of the Holy Spirit because "their darkened minds do not understand the things of the Spirit".

We are not to forbid tongues ( this is my lifeline!) and the bible does say that "These gifts will follow those who believe.. t.hey shall......they shall lay hands on people and they will be healed "in addition to other gifts read it for yourself!!!! we need to utilize the weapons of our warfare and gifts that build us up ie. tongues for our spirit, prophecy for our minds. 1 Jude 20 . To forbid it is a doctrine given by another angel ,satan. that right there is the enemy deceiving the deliverer /teacher of that message against what God commands. That person /leader doesnt even know what they are doing...they do not even know they are being used to thwart God's people for victory!

We are not losers... we are more than conquerors, The bible says , we are the righteousness of God in Christ and Paul tells us that we can stop sinning, that is of the flesh and that is also of demons. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us as we are victorious especially under the proper leadership. "Self indulgence" is delighting in mockery and minimizing God's knowledge of what is best for us. "In the last days they will say good is evil and evil is good. Be led by the Spirit" and choose wisely whom you will serve. Do you want to please man or God?


We need to repent and start supporting one another building one another up and speaking words of life instead of death words, rather than mocking and being used by demons. Pray for all leaders so that they can get this knowledge in their spirits. "Believers build yourselves up on your most holy faith praying in the spirit." Otherwise, better check yourself to not be in "the synagogue of satan."


Wow! this is deep. So we have been deceived into thinking that those dark and negative thoughts are our own? Sometimes hurtful words or even mockery can come through radio personalities, pastors, your spouse ,yourself or your own children? Then we speak them into being , into the atmosphere...and then act upon hurt others and close the minds (doors) of others to cause them to be unfruitful in claiming what belongs to them through Christ .

Well, I do know the solution. We need to hear these hard words and wake up!!!!!! We are the ones who need to put off the carnal things of folly and grow up , renew our minds and our own thinking...we need to infuse our minds with hearing the word of God ! "Faith comes by hearing and HEARING the word of God. "

Why so much emphasis on hearing? Well, look at the counterfeit how he does battle... in the spirit realm the invisible realm.. kind of like internet theft secretly when you are not aware..... the enemy, yes we are in a battle, whispers thoughts or words or ideas into our ears into our minds....through songs through meditation of movie phrases ..yeah that is a form of meditation and you do not want to allow for a spirit of fear by allowing movies into your eye and ear gates that will harm your soul.....Do you have nightmares? How do you know you are not battling demons because they know you are in a state of weakness, asleep, then we believe it to be our own thoughts then act upon the information in our thoughts? The enemy is a theif he will steal from you when you are sleeping!!!!


We are to act upon the word of God. We are to "cast down every high and lofty thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God" so when we get a thought or a word from the outside of us that says, "we are losers" we know that we are not because it says in the mirror of the word of God that "We are victorious through Christ, we are more than overcomers, we are the head and not the tail , we are above and not beneath, no weapon formed against us shall prosper and any tongue that rises against us in judgement we shall condemn".


So people ,let us examine ourselves and repent for not being aware and let us wake up and put on the shield of faith , the helmet of salvation, and use the sword of the spirit which is the word of God.!!! "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (thoughts like we are going to die or people will not like us , thoughts like there are no demon forces, the gifts are not for today....etc.) and every high and lofty thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God."


Whew! Awesome. Be blessed. "Let us put off the old man and take on the new man renewing our minds with the word of God." AMEN!



More Worship notes

04/07/2009 14:06

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him for he that comes to God must first believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


The position to receive from God is in worship and in that position, you will never leave empty handed.

1. First and foremost we were made to worship God and only HIm. When we get out eyes fixed on anything other than Him , that is when it becomes idolatry.

2. We are made in God's image spirit , soul and body.

3. God puts His treasure in earthen vessels (us, human earthly bodies) for reasons with purpose.

4. Praise and Worship is not a time filler or warm -up.

5. Praise and worship conditions God's people to hear His voice. Worship ushers in the presence of God.

6. We need to allow the Holy Spirit the freedom to move in our presence and allow His will not our time plans.... His will be done.When we allow

the Holy Spirit to move unquenced, He will accomplish mighty exploits .


7. God's people will hear His voice, they will be set free, healed, delivered and anointed with power from on hIgh. Allow God to work through you ,

His earthen vessel.

We as worship leaders are never to be put on a pedestal. We did not die for anyone's salvation. Only Jesus shall be lifted up.

Remember in Ezekiel 28:11 the devil himself was first created as a beautiful cherub angel with music built into him, pipes in him, his name was Lucifer which means angel of light. He was the worship leader in heaven before the throne of God and because of pride and thinking that he was more beautiful than God he was the first one cast out of heaven along with his cohorts.



Healing is in the Air. "They shall declare My praise".

02/07/2009 08:55
Luke 5:17 Now it happened..... on a certain day.... as Jesus was teaching..... that there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by, who had come out of every town of Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem.


Prepare your hearts for healing's in the air... God is no respecter of persons. The power of the Lord is present to heal us .. everyone..


How desperate are you?


Luke 5:18 & 19 - "Then behold men brought on a bed a man who was paralyzed. And they sought to bring him in and lay him before Him. (19) and when they could not find how they might bring him in, because of the crowd, they went up on the housetop and let him down with his bed through the tiling into the midst before Jesus."
Seek the means and make up your mind. Can God see your faith? What are you doing to show action to your faith?

When you know something is not healthy for you are you still partaking of it? you know what to do... are you doing it? Obedience is key. Ask God to help you to obey Him and help you to show you a new way or give you discipline in your area of weakness. " Help me Lord in my unbelief".


Faith is not a "movement" or fad. "The just shall live by faith." It is a lifestyle.
"For it is impossible to please Him without faith. He who comes to God must first believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek HIm". Hebrews 11:6


Isaiah 42:10 - " Sing a new song unto the Lord."
Get your expectancy up. God is doing something new. "His mercies are new every morning."
Renewing our minds with God's word is saying that we believe HIm and His word!
Not the high and lofty lies that satan is trying to tell us about our death and destruction. "Jesus came to give us life and give it more abundantly", we know that "satan comes to steal kill and destroy". But "greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world."
That tells us that there is a devil and he is in the world. "The prince of the powers in the air...going about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He can't hurt us... but he can deceive us into thinking that the truth we are recieivng is not ture. He goes about loking to see... hide yourself in God's word and use the shield of faith which is able to quence every firey dart of the enemy.. It will come to your thoughts. fight the enemy in that battleground with" the weapons of our warfare which are not carnal"...."But we wrestle not with flesh and blood but against principalities, powers and rulers of darkness in spiritual places in the heavenlies".


This shows us that satan is not in hell, yet. He is on the earth and in the air....we just cannot see him but maybe we can feel the effects of his shinnanigans. He knows he has little time and wants to take as many as he can deceive. We are in a spiritual battle and we need to use God's weaponry.
" For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds and every high and lofty thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God."


"We the church also have the keys of the kingdom " which is our AUTHORITY as Jesus took it back from satan and gave it to the church before he rose to heaven. He also sent the Holy Spirit to us as our helper...we need understanding to wield "the sword of the spirit which is the word of God" when we fight the devil and his cohorts in the battlefield of our minds.


IF our thoughts are not God's thoughts and our minds are darkened, then we only have to renew our minds with the word of God. Meditating on His word and "praying in the spirit to build up our spirits" 1 Jude 20  and in the understanding as much as possible.

Proclaim to yourself by faith and get understanding that you will need to have your thoughts conform to what God says about you "put on the new man".... Say this..

"I've got a new mind set, I'm gonna be expecting."..
don't let your mouth sing the blues,
This is from the Lord. Revelation knowledge..
"Our words are powerful  they are like a ships rudder and it turns the whole ship...


1.  we think it first.. (or the enemy can also speak it into our minds then we think we are thinking it)... then
2.  we speak it into existence, then
3.  we act on it and do it...
so be careful....what you say out of your creative we also are made in the image of God....just like God's word is powerful and  sharper than any two edged sword..... we are to be immitators of God  "creating/calling those things which are not as though they were" ..  say and sing something new!


Isaiah 42:12 & 13 - Let them give glory to the Lord, And declare His praise in the coastlands.
(13) The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man, He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war. He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud, He shall prevail against His enemies.


We are going to have the greatest victories in these last days. God will be prevailing. This is not the time to back down and give up! Don't quit! Stand! Yes we still have attacks but the Lord will prevail against His enemies. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him. Satans days are numbered and he knows it! He also knows that we will live eternally with God and he is jealous and wants us to make the same decisions to do things our own way and say that we are the god of our own lives.


Quit living in the past. Quit talking depression and sing, God's gonna do something new!


Isaiah 42:18, 19. "Hear, you deaf, and look ,you blind, that you may see. Who is blind but My servant, or deaf as My messenger whom I send? Who is blind as he who is perfect, and blind as the Lord's servant? Seeing many things, but you do not observe, opening the ears but he does not hear. 22: But this is a people robbed and plundered, all of them are snared in holes, and they are hidden in prison houses, they are for prey, and no one delivers for plunder, and no one says Restore!"
Isaiah 43:19 -21 - I will do a new thing.... I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert......(21) They shall declare My praise.


If you are sick, confess your sins one to another that you may be healed. Do not give the enemy a foothold to keep you in bondage otherwise it will become a strong hold and he will have rights to attack because you gave him that place and gave him authority. Take back your authority that Jesus bought for you. Give no place to the devil to allow you to be cheated out of God's blessings. The accuser of the brethren will work through anyone who lends his mind and soul to him. Choose not to operate in deception nor in alliance with satan. Ask God to show you if you are deceived. God wants that our spirit soul and body prospers and that we walk in health to do good works for Him .

Notes on worship. What does worship mean?

02/07/2009 08:38
What does worship mean? Worship means "To ascribe worth to".

What does worship mean to you today?
In other words, what do you value most highly?
Are you balanced in your life with how you spend your time or rest?
Worship means you are determining priorities.. values..
What comes first in your life?
Money? Beauty? Possessions? Image?
Do you seek God on how He would like for you to spend most of your time?
Are you in bondage to making things of your creation to stand and be supported?


What you will become, what image you will be made and what you desire the most will be the outcome of your choices of what ever that is that you worship.
Body building? That would result in a fit body possibly even a distorted body with excessive muscles.
"Bodily exercise profits little but building up your spirit is everlasting."
Don't worship " Self Image", . the fruit that will result will be vanity, narcisism, impatience, criticalness, a"cool" "together" phasod.
Don't worship your profession or job. "You cannot serve God and Mammon, for you will hate one and love the other"...
Do not worship your possessions. " Do not toil or labor, for things that are not food, do not store up for yourselves riches on earth for your riches will make wings and fly away."
"Come to me all you who labor and I will give you rest for your souls."



First blog. check out

29/06/2009 09:41

Found a great new website and the answers to some of our nations and personal woes were satisfactorily answered for me.. check it out.. here is a great article on the what's haps for America and the economic crisis. click and paste it on your web browser.

<< 1 | 2 | 3


Could what we deem as harmless be worshipping the "IMAGE “(of Death) “Image of the Beast"?

31/12/2010 06:53
  by Jessica Evrist on Friday, December 31, 2010. I just woke up this "early before morning" at 3:33 am with these thoughts from scripture in the book of Revelations. "And YHUH/God sent to them a strong delusion that they should worship "the image of the Beast" and this is what was...

Inherited idolatry.

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29/06/2009 09:41
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I Will Redeem The Time

29/06/1997 03:42
                                      If your hearts were not so hard,           ...